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Your baby is sleeping in your imaginary baby bed absolutely safe.It may not be exaggeration to say that I'm making forrest in my tiny balcony,
with the mints , olive trees, geraniums, miniature roses, grape vines ,and yuzu (a kind of citron), also I think I'll be able to harvest four lemons finally.
You may think it's only four, but even though the lots of lemon babies are amazing ever year, they are exposed to the wind and rain, as the same as Baby sea turtles it is very hard to get it on the same kind of roots, and even more so to my overinterference, and they can't wait until they turn color and are ripped off.... The yield of 2 was the record until last year.
But they are still so beautifully fresh and good so that makes me awake my eyes are wide open.
I felt as if I had been told that there is no such thing as my world, that my words turn into symbols and float in the air as soon as I speak them, that I think people's words are so right, and it has been hard, but this is how I feel now. I believe in the imaginary baby bed for everyone truly safe.
Thank you so much for looking through it!
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